Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Trip Top Ten Takeaway

Silicon Valley 2012
As I mentioned in yesterdays post, the Entrepreneurship Initiative Silicon Valley spring break trip is happening next week. I had the distinct pleasure of attending last years adventure and in keeping with Top Ten Tuesday's theme I have listed my top takeaway moments from last years trip!

1. Find your passion: a simple statement it may seem, but ask yourself or a friend and see who answers first.

2. Necessity is the motherhood of innovation: seek needs versus wants for ideas, you may be missing the obvious.

3. Innovation happens everywhere: a statement from our first meeting that was used all throughout the trip; as an excuse and explanation ;)

4. Arrogance = Failure: again simple but mostly overlooked despite its profound warning.

5. Internet forces Honesty: this was a lesson some of the bigger companies stressed due to actual laws and consumer reporting.

6. Understand the MACROeconomics of the world: a special piece of advice from a meeting.

7. Take what exists and make it better: the mantra of Silicon Valley.

8. Innovation is an act of synthesis: words of an incredibly successful venture capitalist.

9. Complete methodically then adjust: advice for the exaggerated planners of the world, stop planning start acting.

10. Don't bet on the truth, seek thought: network out of your concentration and industry, expands thinking and can solve issues or point them out.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Message

Silicon Valley 2012

Happy Monday to my fellow STATEment readers! We have a crazy week ahead of us all with mid-terms approaching, and I want to wish you all the best of luck! My Monday message is a little different this morning because the week will be hectic, but I will still be doing my job. However, I wanted to clue you all in on an exciting Spring Break blog theme I will be utilizing all week. As some of you may know, our Entrepreneurship Initiative staff plans a special Spring Break trip to Silicon Valley each year with a handful of students to embark on an adventure of entrepreneurship. It was this time last year before I embarked on the trip that I decided to blog during the adventure, with the hopes of being able to look back at all the memories. That blog lead to this blogging opportunity and I could not be more grateful. To mark my one year anniversary of blogging I will be tracking each day of this group’s trip in “Postcard” fashion. Please keep a lookout for the blog over break if you can to hear about the groups daily company visits and random moments along the way!

Tuesday: I will be posting the top ten things I took away from the Silicon Valley trip last year.

Wednesday: Wild Wednesday

Thursday: The Entrepreneurship Initiative is all in a Twitter

Friday: Bon Voyage to our Silicon Valley group 2013



Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wednesday Fireside Chat

We were joined by two local entrepreneurs, Bob Young & Chris Evans, Wednesday evening at the Garage for another successful Fireside Chat. The evening began with a very exuberant Bob Young, co-founder of the noteable, local RedHat corporation. Young is also the founder of the online publishing company LuLu; which is also our main sponsor of the LuLu E-Games event. Young shared his exciting start-up story with the group, claiming all along he knew he saw the world differently. He saw his world through the eyes of a salesman, and in reality, he said, "We all see the world the way we expect to see it. Engineers see fix-it problems and finance people see the world in numbers." He believed in hard work while "embracing your failings because they stay with you forever." Young remarked on the world we live in daily as being one of "open source" whether it was traveling down a highway or being a lawyer with a winning argument. We are constantly collaborating and providing "sources" to collaborate with, which was the major idea behind RedHat''s business model. Although, the world may be one full of "open collaboration", Young was quick to remind us to "get rewarded for your work, because at some point, you will not want to give it up."
Bob Young
Chris Evans

Our second guest was Chris Evans, another technical and local serial entrepreneur. He has invested a great amount of his business life to technical entrepreneurial opportunities, such as commercial software. Evans claimed there is a common theme in most ventures, "They all become a long sequence on getting the next thing done." However, this observation is what should create fire and drive that make dreams come alive! Evans sees himself as "an engineer of non-physical things like project flaws or design." He has always had a focus on the "urgent itch" in pursuing a certain venture, but has learned the value of trust along his path. "Trust is a resource, in which people have different thresholds of," he remarked.  Evans stressed that trust is a guidance tool used in all stages of a start-up--from your team to customers--and it is critical to maintain trust with each person. He believes there is a "certain psychology" to entrepreneurship and its participants because it creates new relationships along with ideas that require trust all along the way.

We are grateful that both Bob Young & Chris Evans took time to speak with us this week! I hope those who attended enjoyed the interactive and informative discussion. G

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

TOP TEN (Famous Companies=Garages)

I felt this weeks list was appropriate considering we have multiple companies that have or will be getting their start in our Entrepreneurship Garage; why not learn from the pros!

10 World Famous Companies that Started in Garages

1. Amazon

2. Apple

3. Disney

4. Google

5. Harley-Davidson

6. Hewlett-Packard

7. Lotus Cars

8. Maglite

9. Mattel

10. Yankee Candle

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Monday!

Hope you all had a nice weekend in our southern winter wonderland. Here is an update for the week ahead, hope its a great one! 

MONDAY: Weekly Update

TUESDAY: Top Ten List/Fireside Chat Night

WEDNESDAY: Fireside Chat Review

THURSDAY: Article of the Week

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday Article

This Thursday's article is from "The Wall Street Journal", they have their very own "Venture Capital Dispatch" section that caters to the interest of entrepreneurs. It is known as -An inside look from VentureWire at high-tech start-ups and their investors. It is a blog portion of the Journal and after reading the article I thought my readers may enjoy a brief, yet engaging review of recurring topic of crowd-funding.

Article Title: Crowdfunding 101: ‘Reg-D’ vs. ‘Rewards’

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Student Spotlight: Soutenu Tights

I recently had the pleasure of meeting a successful student entrepreneur in our e-ship family here at NC State. Suzanne Matthews is the founder and CEO of Soutenu Tights, a company dedicated to fashioning protective dance wear for the dance industry. After a lengthy dance career, Suzanne has become aware that dancers are a special category of athletes who experience injuries like any other sport. I sat down with Suzanne to ask her for more details about her current entrepreneurial venture and where she sees it going in the near future.

GT: What is your definition of an entrepreneur?

SM: You know I think I am still learning the answer to this one every day! I think an entrepreneur is someone who is passionate about finding creative solutions. They are people who take initiative in trying to shape our future.

GT: Speaking of futures, where do you see your company in the next 5 years?

SM: In 5 years, I would like to see Soutenu thriving and growing. First, I want to see the tights in dance wear stores throughout the state, and hopefully starting to make their way (at least) around the east coast. I also intend to have additional products in the line. Currently I have several ideas for more garments I'd like to produce, but of course all of the manufacturing and sampling will require more capital I don't have quite yet.

GT: It has been a common experience for an entrepreneur to struggle in the beginning stages of their ventures, what has been the pit and the peak of your adventure so far?

SM:My major pit has been running out of money. As a college student it is hard to say sorry I can't go out because I need this money for my business. It is hard because money fuels progress - especially when you are getting samples from manufacturers. I've had days where I've really wanted to quit because I am so stressed and tired over it. After all, I do work alone, no team, just me.--My peak that gets me through it all centers around last year when I competed in the Arts Feasibility portion of the eGames. I walked away with $1,500. That was great, but I think I got something more out of it. The first time I stood in front of people and said that I was the CEO of Soutenu I was overwhelmed with joy. My peak is knowing that I have created something that is uniquely mine, and nobody can take that away from me. Every day I get to look back and think, wow, look what I've built,  and people are excited about it too.

GT: Every entrepreneur has a unique beginning experience and usually a special place where it all began. For Apple, it was a garage; for others, it's a basement in their childhood home. Suzanne is an avid participant in our very own E.I Garage on Centennial Campus, so I was curious to know what aspects of the Garage have really been useful to getting her business off the ground.

SM: I wish I could say something cool like the power tools or the 3D printers! I actually use the Smartboard and the white boards more than anything. I've spent quite a bit of time designing on the Smartboard. As for the white boards, I like to be able to write all of my ideas in one place where I can see them - it helps me organize. Also, for me the Garage has a certain atmosphere that I think encourages me to work a little better. It's not the same as sitting in my apartment or in the library. I don't really find innovation or community in those places.

Overall it was a fantastic interview and storytelling moment for both us girls, especially since we were both dancers in our pasts. I wish Suzanne the best of luck in her venture, and so does everyone from the entrepreneurial community here at State!

Suzanne Matthews: Owner and CEO

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Top 10 Undeserving (Yet Successful) Kickstarter Projects

Top 10 Undeserving (Yet Successful) Kickstarter Projects

1. Addicting New Game – Straight From the Stone Age

2. My 1st Webcomic

3. A Tour of Sorts

4. Atheist Shoes

5. Desktop Jellyfish Tank

6. Griz Coat

7. Hey Fartface

8. Ron Paul: Road to REVOLution

9. World’s Largest Rainbow Parade

10. World’s Largest Jockstrap

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Update

I hope everyone had a great weekend, I know it is tough to start the week off with a rainy day, but hang in there the sun will come out tomorrow! 

Here is what is on the agenda for the week:

MONDAY: Weekly update


WEDNESDAY: Spotlight on "Soutenu Tights" a company launched here at State!

THURSDAY: Article day

Hope you all have a great week and thank you for you continuous reader support!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Guest Blogger: Ibrahim Zafar

We have all heard the infamous tale about a young John Lennon who was asked by his school to write down what he wanted to be when he grew up. Instead of the typical response – “I want to be an astronaut” – Lennon thought outside of the box and simply wrote down “I want to be happy”. This quote, while simple in nature, has challenged a generation – our generator -- into really considering whom we strive to be when we are older, rather than simply what we want to be.

RESQD, a startup company founded at North Carolina State University, has taken the concept of happiness within children and has printed it right on the shirt you wear on your back. The concept is simple: RESQD asks young children around the globe to draw what makes them happy, prints the drawing onto a t-shirt, sells the t-shirt, and uses the money made from the sale to help fund orphans around the globe. Ladies and gentlemen, it does not get simpler than that. The impetus behind Jordan’s idea is that he wants to empower orphans around the globe, and show them that their idea of happiness can not only bring a change within the lives of others, but it can help in providing them with financial independence.

I had the chance to sit down with Owen and his friend, Tasso von Windheim, to take more about RESQD. While Jordan has high visions for RESQD, he has made it a priority for himself and those around him to have fun along the way. Jordan believes that if he can retain his passion for his company, he will soon reach success. But unlike many others, Jordan is not concerned about financial success. Rather his definition of success lies within changing the lives of the orphans, and he won’t stop until his goal is met.

Like many start-up companies, RESQD could use the help of our Wolfpack community. And that is where you, the reader, come into play. RESQD has an online campaign which they are using to gather any donations to help the company out of the start-up phase. You can go here (http://www.indiegogo.com/resqd) to learn more about RESQD and how you can help.

Thank-you to guest blogger Ibrahim Zafar for this posting!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Top 10 Sales Pitch Killers

This weeks top ten list was picked with the upcoming LuLu E-Games in mind. As the teams begin to prepare  for competition it may be helpful to keep these 10 tips in mind for their presentations!

1. Lack of professional appearance.

2. Talking too much.

3. Your vocabulary. 

4. Not investing time in building rapport.

5. Lack of a qualification system. 

6. Not knowing when to stop presenting and close the sale.

7. Ego.

8. Not knowing how to close.

9. Not paying attention to details. 

10. Poor fulfillment.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday Update

Happy Monday after the Super Bowl, I hope the team you chose was the winning team, if not maybe next season! I took the time to pick out a reflective quote that seemed to have a slight connection to entrepreneurship and the Harbraugh brothers big night.

On a more serious note, the Harbaugh patriarch was more reflective:

“The one thing that I do think about is after the game there’s going to be one winner and there’s going to be one that’s going to be totally disappointed,” said Jack Harbaugh. “And my thoughts go to that one [who] will not experience the thrill of victory.


WEDNESDAY: Guest Blogger [Ibrahim Zafar]

THURSDAY: Article of the week

FRIDAY: Interesting Infographic

Have a wonderful week everyone! G

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Article = Video

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Starting Up in College"

Story of a fellow ACC student's experience with enterprenuership!

The winner of Entrepreneur's College Entrepreneur of 2012 is Bryan Silverman, a Duke University student and co-founder Star Toilet Paper. With just $1,000 in start up funds, Silverman and his brother launched the Durham, N.C. and Ann Arbor, Mich.-based, company, which sells advertisements on toilet paper. Star buys recycled toilet tissue rolls in bulk wholesale and has a printer -- using vegetable oil-based ink -- place coupons on the top ply. So far, more than 65 companies have taken the plunge and marketed their services through the toilet-paper advertiser.