Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Trip Top Ten Takeaway

Silicon Valley 2012
As I mentioned in yesterdays post, the Entrepreneurship Initiative Silicon Valley spring break trip is happening next week. I had the distinct pleasure of attending last years adventure and in keeping with Top Ten Tuesday's theme I have listed my top takeaway moments from last years trip!

1. Find your passion: a simple statement it may seem, but ask yourself or a friend and see who answers first.

2. Necessity is the motherhood of innovation: seek needs versus wants for ideas, you may be missing the obvious.

3. Innovation happens everywhere: a statement from our first meeting that was used all throughout the trip; as an excuse and explanation ;)

4. Arrogance = Failure: again simple but mostly overlooked despite its profound warning.

5. Internet forces Honesty: this was a lesson some of the bigger companies stressed due to actual laws and consumer reporting.

6. Understand the MACROeconomics of the world: a special piece of advice from a meeting.

7. Take what exists and make it better: the mantra of Silicon Valley.

8. Innovation is an act of synthesis: words of an incredibly successful venture capitalist.

9. Complete methodically then adjust: advice for the exaggerated planners of the world, stop planning start acting.

10. Don't bet on the truth, seek thought: network out of your concentration and industry, expands thinking and can solve issues or point them out.

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